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Number of strings 1,971
Number of words 21,129
Number of characters 121,220
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 1,972
Number of source words 21,372
Number of source characters 122,719
Committed changes a year ago
A lot! I love romance books, but I also enjoy lots of other fiction and non-fiction, too.
a year ago
(Did he say <b><color=white>a, uh, date</color></b>?! Wow, things are moving so quickly! I thought our romance would slowly blossom over time as we get into a series of increasingly improbable escapades.)
a year ago
Don't worry. You're about to be rescued by a K.N.I.G.H.T.!
别担心。马上就会有一位 K.N.I.G.H.T. 来解救你!
a year ago
Really!? I've always wanted to be rescued!
a year ago
Really!? I've always wanted to be rescued!
a year ago
I'll just take off the sheet...
a year ago
Don't look at that!
a year ago
Vinny? I thought he only sold Name Brand Toner.
a year ago
Not me.
a year ago
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