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Dragon Audit 99% 1 Browse
Language code pl
Text direction Left to right
Plural: Default plural 7 translations
Number of plurals 3
Plural type One/few/other (Slavic languages)
Plurals One 1
Few 2, 3, 4, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42
Other 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Plural formula n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2

Committed changes

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

Committed changes 3 years ago

Committed changes

Dragon Audit / In-Game Story TextPolish

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

Can I? Arggggh
MogęPuścić? Arggggh
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

... sure. But, come on, who really cares about a bunch of monsters?
... pewnie. No ale, serio bądźmy szczerzy, kogo obchodzą jakieś potwory?
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

Okay... shall we head up to your office and I can start doing your accounts receivable?
Okej... w takim wypadku izatem przejdziemy się do tTwojego biura, ażebym mógł zacząć rozliczayć tTwoje należnoścrachunki?
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

Audit. You did say audit, right?
AudytRewizję. Powiedziałaś "rewizję", prawda?
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

If you pull this off, they're willing to let you come back.
Jeśli cCi się uda, twoja Gildia przyjmie cię z powrotem.
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

If you pull this off, they're willing to let you come back.
Jeśli uda ci się tego dokonaćuda, twoja Gildia przyjmie cię z powrotem.
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

Isn't there like... a real-life fire breathing dragon in that castle?
Czy nietam czasem... nie mieszka tam ziejÄ…cya... prawdziwego smoka zionÄ…cego ogniem smok?
3 years ago

Translation changed

Dragon Audit / Launch TrailerPolish

No one wants to touch a scaly monster like me.
Nikt nie tknąłby tak łuskowatzechciałby dotknąć takiego odrażającego potwora, jak ja.
3 years ago
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